Go Apple, Screw the Law Enforcement Tyrants


I certainly am ok with allowing search warrants to be executed but, I also think we have an *absolute* right to conduct out lives in ways that frustrate that goal. In the old days, one would move across the country and be effectively out of reach. Now that's impossible but, we have this.

I am irritated by two things in the public conversation about this. One is discussion of the many edge cases where it would be a real problem. Of course it would be a shame if well-encrypted phones prevented rescue of a child. So would the guy not having a phone. So would an earthquake. In either case, it's a rare problem that should not drive public policy.

The other is the notion that the entire society should shape itself around the interests of law enforcement. Law enforcement is a utility. It is here to help us out. I want my data to hav maximum security. Sure, that's partly because I might want to participate in a revolution or vote against the next dictator, but even more, I want 4CHAN to have as difficult a time as humanly possible.

The lazy sense of entitlement on the part of FBI Director Comey makes me insane. You are here to protect our privacy, not sabotage it. If it is more work to catch the bad guys, ask for a raise. It's your job, not mine.